从客户的立场思考问题。之前遇到一个问题,就是客户要求的尺寸,我们一个原料只够做1个,这个尺寸稍微缩短点就可以一个原料做2个。 业务员和客户联系,就实话实说了:“Can you please consider the height of 16cm, as one material is 28cm, so we can produce two piece by one material. ” 客户回信很不开心。后来我出面解决,先好言安慰了客户一下,并从客户的立场看问题,说最主要的是,这个产品的最终用户并不在意16cm还是14cm高,他们在乎的是这个产品是否美观。做成16cm的话,不够美观,可能对于客户最终的销售有不良影响。 同时,语气上也比较客气,展示对于客户的尊重:“Actually the most important thing is not the cost. 16cm height is really not that beautiful in appearance. The final consumers do not care whether it is 16cm or 14cm, what they care most is the product appearance. I am a little concerned that might influence your sales. Anyway, you know your market better, we will respect your decision.” 最后客户回邮件说,认真考虑后愿意采纳我的建议,同时对我的专业表示肯定。其实,客户在意的是你对他是否周到,是否愿意替他考虑。
如果沟通是由你发起,提供对手一切的方便,能使沟通一开始便在友善和谐的气氛下进行。 尤其是当你的沟通对手是远道而来的,你热心地告知他:“I will arrange everything.“ (我会安排一切。)不但表现出你的诚意,也能使他在不必顾虑食宿等琐事的情况下,专心与你进行沟通。 另外,很多人没有得到订单,很大的原因就是在沟通中太过激进,使客户颜面尽失。虽然你重重地打击了对手,自己却也成了失败的沟通者。 因此向对方提出质疑时,要确定将矛头指向事情本身,而不是对手身上:“Your views regarding management differ mine.”(您的经营观点和我的不同。) 有时候,你甚至于可以将责任归咎于不在场的第三者身上,而不是直接推给沟通对手:“ Someone must have given you wrong information.”(一定是有人把错误的情报给了你。)这样的说法可以引导对方修正他的观点,而不会触怒了他,使他拂袖而去。
4. 要让客户觉得他是特别的
客户来搞价格,有多种因素,价格高了只是其中一种。有的是因为客户的习惯,比如美国客户搞价很少,欧洲稍多点,而中东就比较习惯搞价了,像印度人的期望值达到30%,这都是他们本地的习惯。 也有的是因为搞价的过程给客户一种成就感,做销售的我们一定要满足客户这种成就感的需求,乐意让客户觉得被特殊对待了。 “I have applied a most special discount for you.” “You have received the best discount so far, please keep it a secret for us, otherwise we will be in trouble.” 之类的话,会让客户觉得很有胜利感。
5. 态度上让大步,实际利益让小步
有很大一部分客户需要的是你的态度,而不是真的价格让步。所以,要乐于在态度上让客户感觉到你很配合,很诚恳,但考虑到成本确实有困难。 “We treasure you much as a very valuable customer, and we surely will make our best efforts to keep you always satisfied. Regarding the price, I will apply from our General Manager and give you the best special price. “ “Our GM knows you are a very important customer, and agrees to give you 5% special discount. You know you are the only one receive this special discount. “ “I sincerely hope that we will have a very successful co-operation soon. Please be sure 5% is really our best price. You know, recently the cost in China has grown up much, like XXXx material has gone up 30%, labor cost increase 30% every year, plus the exchange rate. Though cost went up much, we have kept our price stable for our customers for years. It is very likely that we will have to adjust our price early next year. “