“Hi[Name], I trust that you have had an opportunity to read my previous email and look at our website,so I figured it’d be worth checking in with you again. 我相信您已查阅了之前给您发送的邮件并浏览过我们的网站,因此我认为是很有必要再次与您联系。 2.在前面的邮件发了两三天后客户依旧没有回复,可以尝试整理一下公司产品的报价单发给客户,同时给客户介绍下当时卖得最好的产品,也可以选择一款产品用竞争力很强的低价格去吸引客户。报价单上附上产品图片,方便客户看的时候能了解更多。补充知识:什么样的外贸报价单,会让国外客户更喜欢?
“Hi[Name], This is the quotation of the products with the highest sales in our company, which is exactly what your company needs. If you are interested, please consult at any time ! 这是我司销售量最好的产品报价,相信也是您需要的,欢迎随时回复咨询。
“Hi[Name], Have you given any additional thought to my proposal?I’d be happy to do a quick review of it on the phone and answer any and all questions you may have. 您对我的提议(方案)是否有其他的想法呢?我很乐意通过电话对其进行快速审核,并回答您可能遇到的所有问题。 4.打完电话根据电话内容再给客户发一封邮件,可以表达不好意思打扰了,感谢客户的倾情告知。 然后根据客户提出的问题再写一封书面的解答以及处理的具体方案,把客户感兴趣的产品再次标注上去以及能给到最低的优惠是什么等等,并承诺客户能得到什么样的服务和收益。
“Hi[Name], We are very sorry for the just adventurous phone. Thank you for your precious time and patience. For example, if you are just interested in our products, we will provide you with the lowest discount and optimal service, and look forward to a happy cooperation ! 刚刚的冒昧电话非常抱歉,感谢您的宝贵时间和耐心倾听,如您对我们的产品感兴趣,我们会为您提供最低优惠和最优服务,期待一次开心的合作! 5.如果客户一直不给予肯定回复也不下单,也不要气馁,做好客户资料的归类管理,做好打持久战的准备。例如节日里给客户发问候语,公司有新产品时给客户推荐,找一切话题入口多刷刷存在感。 其实这也是为什么我们要做好社交账号的重要原因之一,以用好LinkedIn建立个人IP为例,在社交平台上除了能够进行直接性质的拓展人脉主动开发客户,也可以辅助加速其他渠道客户对你的了解和信任的进度,同时对一些不回复的客户,成为自己的社交好友,你日常的动态、文章、视频都是最好的营销和刷存在感的手段。
“Hi[Name], Do you venture to ask, send your quotation received ? Does our product meet your needs ? Is there any place to be modified ? We accept your private customization and can also send samples free of charge. Please contact me anytime ! 冒昧问一下,发您的报价收到了吗?请问我们的产品是否符合您的需求?是否有地方需要修改呢?我们接受您的私人定制,也可以免费送样。请随时联系我! 2.如果是有已读回执,确认客户已经阅读邮件,但是还是未回复。可以先常规跟进,发下提醒或者再次友好跟进。跟进尽量简单扼要,一般客户如果有意向的话会进一步回复。
“Hi[Name], The quality and price of our products are the highest in the industry. If your quantity demand is large enough, we will submit a more favorable price. Welcome to email at any time! 我们产品的质量和价格都行业性价比最高的,如您的数量需求足够大,我们会报以更优惠的价格,欢迎随时回邮咨询! 3.二次跟进可以安排在3-5天后。如果客户还是无回应,可以试试打电话,或者从社交媒体互动开始。并且有新品,活动,节日,发给他信息/节日祝福,在他面前刷存在感,直到他对你慢慢加深印象。有时候当他的供应链出现问题,你的机会就来了。 尤其对大公司而言,不断地物色新的供应商,是他们的工作范畴之一。他们的订单永远不可能只分配给一家去完成,往往是诸多工厂/贸易公司共同完成订单。 我们是否发现,无论在什么阶段,如果客户确实不回复,最后考验的都是我们的持续跟进和持续营销能力。而在现在人们的工作生活习惯和信息传播环境下,社交媒体会扮演越来越重要的角色。
“Hi[Name], After sample sent, I did not get in touch with you these days?Everything is ok there? We sincerely look forward to your reply. 样品寄出后,我这几天没有和你联系?那里一切都好吗?我们真诚地期待您的答复。
“Hi[Name], If you are satisfied with our samples, I believe we can move to further cooperation. For the delivery time, would you please advise your schedule? Pls try to confirm the order earlier so we can arrange everything for mass production. 如果您对我们的样品满意,我相信我们可以进一步合作。关于交货时间,请告知您的时间表好吗?请尽量早点确认订单,这样我们就可以安排一切大批量生产了。 4.客户犹豫中依然没回复,再去一封邮件,附上一些出货单据和其他客户的反馈意见供其参考。
“Hi[Name], We guess that you should have received the sample sent by us by **, and we trust that you will agree with the quality. The products are very popular in ** market. Attached are the shipping documents and customer feedback for your reference. If you are worried about the business in your market, we can accept a small order to help you with your market test. 我想您已经收到我们的样品了,质量也应该没有问题。这个产品在XXX的销量非常不错,附件附上一些出货单据和客户反馈供您参考,如果您对产品在你们市场还是有顾虑的话,我们可以接受小批量订单用来在你们市场先测试。 5.在适当的时候,还是要主动拿起电话联系跟进,简单寒暄后直奔主题。在外贸业务工作当中,电话是一个非常重要也非常有效的沟通手段。样品是敲开正式订单大门的重点中的重点,补充知识:如何通过样品提高外贸订单的成交率?
“Can you please inform when you arrange the payment? We need to schedule the production accordingly. 当您安排款项的时候,请告知。我们才好排单生产。 2.或者:
“We will have public holiday soon. The earlier you confirm the order, the sooner we can arrange the mass production. 我们很快要放假。请尽早确认订单,这样我们可以早点安排生产。
“比如 Can you please let us have your comments on the offer we sent on +月日? 2.如果客户继续不回复。
“May I know if you get my offer on+月日?I am attaching again herewith the offer for your reference. Hope to get your feedback soon.
“Friendly reminder on the validity date. Can you please further advise if the price is workable for you? Price will be invalid on+时间 4.继续不吭声。发最新产品/宣传册子,最新出货记录照片,尺寸要控制在1MB以内/目录控制在3MB以内。
“Here is our newest model which will be in the market soon. 或Just shipped 1 container to your country and please see some photos for your reference. Any news from you?
“Well organized showing room and free samples are ready for your quality checking. 或者 Busy at the ** fair these day. Do you have any purchase plan? 6.对于有潜力或者比较大的采购商,可以主动表示提供免费样板。
10.低价诱饵效应。可对印度,中东,南美那些无限追求低价的国家客户。探下他们的目标价Can you please advise your target? 如果你的价格很有优势很可能就拿下订单。 但是如果价格低到你做不下去,也要在下封邮件展开攻势,highlight出产品的优势和卖点,并表示price will be more competitive if you can allow to adjust the quality. 这里面两个意思,一分钱一分货,你们价位高是因为这些优势,第二个意思他愿意妥协质量,价格可以再优惠 。 11.雷打不动的,可以开门见山,直接问他意见。
“Much appreciated if you can further offer some comments. Then I can know if you still get interested in our products. Otherwise I will stop to bother you.