“对不起,老板说不用给你报价,因为多次报价后您并未下单,你们也并没有表达出意向价格。我们一直很希望有机会为您服务,所以您一问价格就马上报给您,因为我们相信只要你与我们合作一次的话你一定会特别喜欢与我们做生意。这一次是我们最后一次给你报价,而且报价之前就很想问你真的想合作还是只是想问价而已?” 英文模板:"Sorry, the boss said he didn't need to give you a quotation, because you didn't place an order for these quotations, and asked you the price in your mind without telling us. We always hope to have the opportunity to serve you, so we'll give you the price as soon as you ask, because we believe that as long as you cooperate with us once, you will especially like doing business with us. This is the last time we offer you an offer, and before we make an offer, I really want to ask you whether you really want to cooperate or just want to ask the price? " 02态度放缓和 所谓来者都是客,应用在外贸业务中,也是很有道理的,不管对方是不是有购买意向,咱们自己的待客之道肯定是要做好的,不管对方有没有想在你这里买货,他来问你价格,肯定是对这个产品有兴趣或者需求的,你争取一下,说不定就将对手的客户抢过来了呢? 不管怎么说,来问价的都是潜在客户,而我们留住客户的第一个基础要求就是态度要好。 03报价有所保留 客户询价的时候,我们作为业务的,一定要避免一问一答的形式,客户问你一句你就答一句,那你就永远处于被动的地位,虽然让客户舒服了,但是你自己的业务会面临一定风险,因为这样你只会被客户一点点的把信息套走却一无所获。 所以说,我们要学会反问客户,要主动问出客户的需求,但是又要注意语气的使用,要显得很礼貌,才能不引起客户的反感,例如: