别担心,今天就来分享一波超实用的客户跟进话术,直接拿走就能用,业绩轻松翻番! 01、使用场景:当你连续多次联系客户但没有得到回复 I've noticed that you haven't responded to my previous email. Iseverything alright? I'm keen to know if you need any assistance.我注意到您尚未回复我之前的邮件,一切还顺利吗?如果您需要任何帮助,请随时告知。 02、使用场景:当你希望客户抓住一个特别优惠 Wanted to give you a heads-up that our special offer expires thisFriday.Don't miss out!友情提醒,我们的特别优蕙将于本周五结束。不要错过这个机会! 03、使用场景:当你希望客户更好地了解域公司的能力和服务 Have you had the chance to review our company's capabilities?We'd love to hear your thoughts.--您是否已经评估过我们公司的实力?我们非常期待听到您的反馈。 04、使用场景:当你希望得到客户反馈以改进你的服务 I'm reaching out to inquire if there's anything we can do tofurther enhance our service for you.--我联系您是想了解,是否有任何方面我们可以进一步提升为您提供的服务质量。 05、使用场景:当你想要向客户提供额外的帮助和资源 Can I offer any additional support or resources to assist with yourproject?Your success is our priority.--我可以提供任何额外的支持或资源来帮助您的项目吗?您的成功是我们的首要任务。 06、使用场景:当你想要向客户提供额外的支持或资源 I've noticed your progress on the X project. Have you encounteredany challenges that we can assist with?--我注意到您在X项目上的进展。您是否遇到了任何挑战,我们可以协助解决? 07、使用场景:当你需要向客户提供有关订单状态的信息 I wanted to keep you updated on the progress of your order. Restassured,it's being handled with care.--我想向您更新您的订单进展。请放心,我们正在仔细处理。 08、使用场景:当你希望向客户提供更多的支持和服务 Just checking if there's anything else we can assist you with. We'rehere to support you every step ofthe way.--只是想确认是否还有其他方面我们可以协助您。我们会全程支持您。 09、使用场景:当客户初次表现出对产品/服务的兴趣 Thank you for showing interest in our products/services. Wouldyou like more information or samples?--感谢您对我们产品/服务的关注。您是否需要更多信息或样品? 10、使用场景:当你需要更新客户的需求并重新制定计划 Have there been any changes or updates to yourpreviousrequirements? Please let us know so we can adjust accordingly.-您之前的需求是否有任何变动或更新?请告知我们,以便我们做出相应的调整 11、使用场景:在第1次连络客户
Just checking in to see if you have any queries regarding theproduct. It's my pleasure to assist.我联系您是想了解一下,您对产品有任何疑问吗?我很乐意提供帮助。 12、使用场景:当你看到客户浏览了您的网站
I've noticed that you've visited our website. Would you like anyassistance with navigating or understanding our products?我注意到您访问了我们的网站。您在浏览或了解产品时,需要任何帮助吗? 13、使用场景:当客户初次向您发出询问
Thank you for your inquiry! Is there any additional informationor samples I can provide to further assist you?感谢您的询问!我是否可以为您提供更多信息或样品,以进一步协助您? 14、使用场景:当你已向客户发送了样品并希望了解他们的反馈时使用。
Curious to know, how did you find the sample we sent? Anyfeedback would be greatly appreciated,我很想知道,您对我们寄送的样品感觉如何?您的任何反馈都将备受珍视。 15、使用场景:当你与客户通话或电子邮件交流后进行跟进时
Following up on our discussion about the X product, are thereany outstanding questions or concerns?关于X产品的讨论,我进行跟进。您还有任何未解决的问题或疑虑吗? 16、使用场景:当客户表现出对产品的兴趣,但尚未做出购买决定
You expressed interest in the X product earlier. With a newshipment arriving soon, would you like to proceed with your order?您之前对X产品表示了兴趣。鉴于新的装运即将到达,您是否希望继续下单? 17、使用场景:当你向客户发送了建议或合同并希望知道他们的反应
I've sent you a proposal for consideration. Would you mindreviewing it and getting back to me with your thoughts?我已经发送了一份提案供您考虑。您能否抽时间审阅一下,并向我反馈您的想法?
Would it be possible to schedule a call to delve deeper into yourneeds and explore how we can best serve you?我们是否可以安排一次通话,以便更深入地了解您的需求,并探讨如何更好地为您服务?
Checking in on your project progress, how are things shapingup? Any updates you'd like to share?
I hope this email finds you well. Would you mind sharing anyupdates on your recent purchase or project?希望您收到这封邮件时一切都好。您能否分享一下您最近购买的产品或项目的任何更新信息?